SelahMama is the baby brand that is especially for moms.

Our motto – Confidence Harnessed, Motherhood Nurtured – explains in short, that our priority is to lend as much help as we can to the mom entering her fourth trimester.

If there is one thing a mom needs – it is confidence. Confidence in her abilities, in her new identity, in her new role. She is entering a season of her life of trying to find herself amidst endless diaper changes, broken sleep, leaky boobs, and a body that is unrecognizable. She needs support. All hands on deck. She needs her village. But does she always find it? Unfortunately, in today’s day, the answer is probably no.

This baby carrier is the first step I am taking to bring the village to the mom. When my son was born, he was tied to me like a barnacle on a seashell. Until he was one, WE were one. I quite literally would not have made it through my fourth trimester if baby carriers were not created. Either that, or I’d have the most defined biceps of all time.

I have made it my mission to create the wrap that does it all. Style, function, comfort, and nursing accessibility.

This baby carrier is for the tired mom who needs a break, who hasn’t found her village, and who deserves to feel nurtured while she nurtures her babe.

This carrier is for you, mama.